All of sports are somewhat unpredictable. The sports gambling industry was founded on just that premise. But, football may be alone in it’s utter arbitrariness. Witness last week. Washington came off of a true beatdown by Buffalo to then play an inspired game against Philadelphia. Young Sam Howell a week before, looked ever the deer-in-the-headlights as he was sacked an astonishing nine times and picked-off four more. Against Philly, on the road, he looked like the sage veteran. Two-seconds left, one play remaining at the ten-yard line; he threw a dart to tie the game. It was a beautiful thing. That drive and that play alone provide all the justification needed for the front office to put such faith in Howell. If he can do that, he can play QB1.
The Offense has now scored more than 30 points twice this season. The rub is the Defense. The Defensive line played better, but not good enough, and they were supposed to have been a strength of the team. The Eagles still scored over 30 points on a supposed elite unit. The money and draft picks are on that side of the ball…and they are under-performing. The Offensive line is the equivalent of a thrift store purchase. They played like it against Buffalo. It was better last week. But, there were still five sacks. When old nemesis Fletcher Cox decided he wanted to get the QB he had little trouble getting home. There are no such things in the NFL as “Moral Victories.” Win or Lose or Tie. That’s the whole list of options. Still, there were positive indications last week that things are moving in the right direction. But, probably the most valuable element was that there was a shortened workweek at hand. It provided scarce little time to stew over a tough loss.
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